>>> Well, my name's Jim, but most people call me, well, Jim.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

The Archangels: Part 1

When I started my Blood Angels, I decided that I wanted to do my own, converted and custom models for my HQ choices, because, lets face it, while the current/classic Blood Angel characters do have a load of history and charm, they certainly look dated...
As a happy coincidence, the Sanguinary Guard box had just been released, and the cogs started turning...

Sunday, 20 March 2011

Inauguration Day

To take inspiration from certain film, "Now I have a Blog-Gun, Ho Ho Ho...

So, yeah. I'm trying this out, at the suggestion of a good 'net buddy of mine, and who knows where it will go. Firstly, about me. Like a significant percentage of UK-based pre-teen boys, I was introduced to Games Workshop at the age of 10, started "collecting" (now, I use that term loosely. If you can call "scrounging money of my parents to buy soldiers to then smother them in paint, then yes, I collected), and subsequently stopped collecting.

I never lost interest though. It was always in the back of my mind, like a pervasive mental itch. Older, wiser gamers than myself call it "The Bug", and rarely speak of it. 

Anyway, onto more present days. Started a new army, Tyranids, 3rd edition. Finished it around the time 4th edition came out. Happily found out that the army I had put together with virtually no clue suddenly was very very powerful, and proceeded to game the days away. Then 5th ed happened. I stopped the Nids, throwing the typical tantrum based on "My army was so good, now they want me to spend £400 to get it back up to the same competetive level! Go away"

Then I started 7th ed Fantasy. And oh boy, this was a new world. Straight away, I was drawn to the brand new Vampire Counts. Dark, menacing, brooding, evil in a way Peter Cushing could only dream of. Oh yeah, I was hooked. I now am the very proud owner of around 7000 points of Vampys, and whilst I would love to go back and re-do the whole army, The Bug had been fed, and he wanted moar...