>>> Appropriate, the last thing your army will see are angels.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

The Emperor of Mankind

Yeah, the title is right, this post is about the one, the only, The Emperor, Him.

Not the ridiculously overpriced (and generally a crappy knock-off) one you can find on ebay for something around £70, but one I picked up, with my Custodes, for a much more reasonable price, and a far far nicer model (IMHO).

Well, he is finished. I wanted to go all out on this, try my absolute best and do things I have never managed to pull off before. I wanted to wet-blend the sword and do a proper freehand scroll on the cloak as the two main things, the rest I just wanted to do well...

And, well, you be the judge

Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Appreciate any thoughts...


  1. The free hands are all well done, the celtic knots in particular, the sword blending is also some of your best work. I think its all pretty well done chap!

    Now, the armour looks a bit dull in the pics, probably too much black wash. The face is a tad bit too fair, I would think the Emperor of Mankind to be rocking a nice tan myself. The white cape is a bit flat in the pics, but white never turns out good in pictures so it probably looks great.

    Well done I say

  2. Wow good job my man, sorry I have only seen it now. I have done the same model if you check out my blog but in a diffrent style. But I really do like what you have done and your blending is great.

    You have done a great job on highlighting the gold as I find it one of the most difficult colours to highlight, and it has taken me a year or so to get a technique that is right for me.

  3. Love the blog so I'm going to add you to the Ireland bloggers Roll Call

  4. who was the seller on ebay i want that model!!!
