
Sunday, 7 August 2011

The Emperor of Mankind

Yeah, the title is right, this post is about the one, the only, The Emperor, Him.

Not the ridiculously overpriced (and generally a crappy knock-off) one you can find on ebay for something around £70, but one I picked up, with my Custodes, for a much more reasonable price, and a far far nicer model (IMHO).

Well, he is finished. I wanted to go all out on this, try my absolute best and do things I have never managed to pull off before. I wanted to wet-blend the sword and do a proper freehand scroll on the cloak as the two main things, the rest I just wanted to do well...

And, well, you be the judge

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Appreciate any thoughts...

Thursday, 4 August 2011

Archangels: Part 5

Every First Founding Legion has/had/has-in-some-strange-form a Primarch, and the Blood Angels are no exception. So, I set about getting my own Sanguinius (besides, you kind of HAVE to, really...

After some internet searching, I found this chap, Reaper Miniature's Avatar of Aurellius.

The first step was to file away the sleeves, and replace them with something more "power-armour-y". Then, a sword swap (an metal Grey Knight Terminator sword fit the bill nicely) and since the Sanguinary Guard use them, a wrist mounted bolter (hey if its good enough for them...)