>>> Right, so, that broke.

Sunday, 30 June 2013

Forward, First Sons of Vostroya

So, time for (another) long overdue update...

I recently got myself a new job, something along the lines of a 9-5 M-F type deal, but consequently found that the reduction in free time meant that the organization of said free time dramatically improved, and Iv been able to churn out models at quite a pace (for me anyway) and I feel it is time to share them!

Also, a spot of beautiful weather enabled me and a couple of mates to have a very enjoyable alfresco painting session, complete with beer and a barbecue...

Anyway, onto the miniatures:

Section Command 'Tango'

'Lemon' Squad

'Lime' Squad

'Smurf' Squad

And, to cap it off an obligatory group shot:

Also, a close up of the "faux-vickers" Autocannon counts-as.

So, in about a week I have another job interview (for something substantially better) so wish me luck with that.
In the meantime, I will be working on two things for this army, as well as a couple of commission pieces which I hope to show off soon. 
So on that note, which would you prefer to see next, more infantry (this time a "not-Tanith" Light Infantry squad) or some completed aerial support sections?

For now, thats your lot from me.


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